  • 生命療癒卡-健康是人自然的狀態;疾病只是冒名頂替 (Wellness is our natural state. Disease is an impostor.)

    生命療癒卡-健康是人自然的狀態;疾病只是冒名頂替 (Wellness is our natural state. Disease is an impostor.)

  • 生命療癒卡-失落的會再找回,傷痛會再痊癒 (Everything lost is found again; everything hurt is healed again.)

    生命療癒卡-失落的會再找回,傷痛會再痊癒 (Everything lost is found again; everything hurt is healed again.)

  • 生命療癒卡-在寂靜之中,我們最能保持自己的完整 (In silence, we most readily preserve our integrity.)

    生命療癒卡-在寂靜之中,我們最能保持自己的完整 (In silence, we most readily preserve our integrity.)

  • 生命療癒卡-對神來說,寬恕比犧牲更有意義 (Forgiveness means more to God than sacrifice.)

    生命療癒卡-對神來說,寬恕比犧牲更有意義 (Forgiveness means more to God than sacrifice.)

  • 生命療癒卡-健康的人與大自然和諧共存(The healthy person lives in harmony with nature.)

    生命療癒卡-健康的人與大自然和諧共存(The healthy person lives in harmony with nature.)

  • 生命療癒卡-疾病不是懲罰,是生命的強心針(Illness is not a punishment, but a stimulant to life.)

    生命療癒卡-疾病不是懲罰,是生命的強心針(Illness is not a punishment, but a stimulant to life.)

  • 生命療癒卡-疾病從胃開始,飲食即良藥(Illness begins in the stomach, and diet is the main remedy.)

    生命療癒卡-疾病從胃開始,飲食即良藥(Illness begins in the stomach, and diet is the main remedy.)

  • 生命療癒卡-復元不是目標而是過程(Recovery isn't a goal, but a process.)

    生命療癒卡-復元不是目標而是過程(Recovery isn't a goal, but a process.)

  • 生命療癒卡-欣悅的表情帶來滿心歡喜,好消息讓人徹底健康(A cheerful expression brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.)

    生命療癒卡-欣悅的表情帶來滿心歡喜,好消息讓人徹底健康(A cheerful expression brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.)

  • 生命療癒卡-現在就是現在。 你在還是不在?(Now is now. Are you going to be here or not?)

    生命療癒卡-現在就是現在。 你在還是不在?(Now is now. Are you going to be here or not?)

  • 生命療癒卡-幫助需要的人最快樂(Happy is the one who attends to the needy.)

    生命療癒卡-幫助需要的人最快樂(Happy is the one who attends to the needy.)

  • 生命療癒卡-神性安住於你的內在,要你能痊癒 (The Divine dwells within you, and desires that you heal.)

    生命療癒卡-神性安住於你的內在,要你能痊癒 (The Divine dwells within you, and desires that you heal.)

  • 生命療癒卡-痛苦是靈性進展的試金石(Pain is a touchstone of spiritual progress.)

    生命療癒卡-痛苦是靈性進展的試金石(Pain is a touchstone of spiritual progress.)

  • 生命療癒卡-放下時間(Let go of time)

    生命療癒卡-放下時間(Let go of time)

  • 生命療癒卡-所有痛苦都源於貪、瞋、癡(All suffering stems from ignorance, hatred, and craving.)

    生命療癒卡-所有痛苦都源於貪、瞋、癡(All suffering stems from ignorance, hatred, and craving.)

  • 生命療癒卡-負向的言行帶來痛苦;純真的心為言行帶來喜悅(Speak or act with negativity, and pain follows. Speak or act with a pure heart, and happiness follows.)

    生命療癒卡-負向的言行帶來痛苦;純真的心為言行帶來喜悅(Speak or act with negativity, and pain follows. Speak or act with a pure heart, and happiness follows.)

  • 生命療癒卡-這個世界有生命、會呼吸;我們可以飲下它的靈魂(The world lives and breathes, and we can draw its spirit into us.)

    生命療癒卡-這個世界有生命、會呼吸;我們可以飲下它的靈魂(The world lives and breathes, and we can draw its spirit into us.)

  • 生命療癒卡-朋友的拜訪或電話能為你帶來療癒(A visit or a call from a friend can heal you.)

    生命療癒卡-朋友的拜訪或電話能為你帶來療癒(A visit or a call from a friend can heal you.)

  • 生命療癒卡-個體是具體而微的宇宙(The individual epitomizes the universe.)

    生命療癒卡-個體是具體而微的宇宙(The individual epitomizes the universe.)

  • 生命療癒卡-抗拒改變導向疾病;接受改變帶來寧靜


  • 生命療癒卡-千萬別困在治療中(It's important not to get stuck in therapy.)

    生命療癒卡-千萬別困在治療中(It's important not to get stuck in therapy.)

  • 生命療癒卡-健康的秘訣在於攝取當季的食物(Eating according the seasons is the secret of health.)

    生命療癒卡-健康的秘訣在於攝取當季的食物(Eating according the seasons is the secret of health.)

  • 生命療癒卡-持續保持覺知,無論是在行走、安坐、進食或入睡當中(Constantly maintain alertness in walking, sitting, eating, and sleeping.)

    生命療癒卡-持續保持覺知,無論是在行走、安坐、進食或入睡當中(Constantly maintain alertness in walking, sitting, eating, and sleeping.)

  • 生命療癒卡-神給你的只是當下,片刻接著片刻(God gives you only the present, moment by moment.)

    生命療癒卡-神給你的只是當下,片刻接著片刻(God gives you only the present, moment by moment.)

  • 生命療癒卡-讓你所愛的美成為你的所作所為(Let the beauty you love be what you do.)

    生命療癒卡-讓你所愛的美成為你的所作所為(Let the beauty you love be what you do.)

  • 生命療癒卡-生命是從童年到童年的循環(Life is a circle from childhood to childhood.)

    生命療癒卡-生命是從童年到童年的循環(Life is a circle from childhood to childhood.)

  • 生命療癒卡-要治療身體,先得治療心靈


  • 生命療癒卡-靈性與健康相輔相成 (Health promotes spirituality, and spirituality promotes health.)

    生命療癒卡-靈性與健康相輔相成 (Health promotes spirituality, and spirituality promotes health.)

  • 生命療癒卡-治療他人之前必先治療自己 (Before you can heal others, you first have to heal yourself.)

    生命療癒卡-治療他人之前必先治療自己 (Before you can heal others, you first have to heal yourself.)

  • 生命療癒卡-靈魂來到世界是為了自己的喜悅 (The soul is on Earth for its own delight.)

    生命療癒卡-靈魂來到世界是為了自己的喜悅 (The soul is on Earth for its own delight.)

  • 生命療癒卡-治療疾病先由重建平衡開始 (To heal illness, begin by restoring balance)

    生命療癒卡-治療疾病先由重建平衡開始 (To heal illness, begin by restoring balance)

  • 生命療癒卡-接觸到光就會變成光 (Whatever is exposed to the light itself become light.)

    生命療癒卡-接觸到光就會變成光 (Whatever is exposed to the light itself become light.)

  • 生命療癒卡-失去了希望,生命只剩慾望 (Without hope, we live in desire.)

    生命療癒卡-失去了希望,生命只剩慾望 (Without hope, we live in desire.)

  • 生命療癒卡-所有疾病的根源就是對照顧自己抱持負面的態度


  • 生命療癒卡-慈悲的人有福了,因為他們將獲得慈悲(Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.)

    生命療癒卡-慈悲的人有福了,因為他們將獲得慈悲(Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.)

  • 生命療癒卡-神從不創造沒有解藥的疾病(God didn't create any illness without also creating the remedy)

    生命療癒卡-神從不創造沒有解藥的疾病(God didn't create any illness without also creating the remedy)

  • 生命療癒卡-從自己遭遇的挑戰中尋找真理的指引(Ask for guidance in seeing the truth concealed in your personal challenge)

    生命療癒卡-從自己遭遇的挑戰中尋找真理的指引(Ask for guidance in seeing the truth concealed in your personal challenge)

  • 生命療癒卡-友善、慈悲、欣喜能培養平靜的心(Friendliness, compassion, and delight cultivate a calm mind.)

    生命療癒卡-友善、慈悲、欣喜能培養平靜的心(Friendliness, compassion, and delight cultivate a calm mind.)

  • 生命療癒卡-默默助人,別期待感激或回報(Help others quietly, without expecting gratitude or rewards.)

    生命療癒卡-默默助人,別期待感激或回報(Help others quietly, without expecting gratitude or rewards.)






